MLMScamPolice com Has Found The Key To Legitimate MLM, for Scam-Free Business Successes
Released on = May 2, 2006, 8:27 pm
Press Release Author = Shane Hubbell
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = After a year of research and thousands of dollars, has cut through the scams masquerading as lawful networking, and has discovered the single most successful, legitimate MLM business opportunity.
Press Release Body = is proud to announce the results of its lengthy research into so-called MLM companies, and has discovered the single most beneficial MLM opportunity on the web for legitimate earnings that can lead to substantial successes.
After repeated failures in the MLM industry, the Automated Income Group that comprises decided to take a new tack. This effort involved a great deal of investigation and thousands of dollars in order to explore as many of the MLM "opportunities" offered over the internet as could be found. Essentially, trial-and-error, education, and simple common sense, one MLM business was found to stand out above the rest.
This single MLM opportunity was discovered to have the highest potential for earnings and successes, without any scams or hidden chances for failure that aren't visible upon initial registration. is the creation of Shane who had, himself, fallen victim to a number of wolves in sheep's clothing; MLM companies that appeared to be good opportunities when they were instead scams or simply bad deals. Mr.Hubbell was frustrated after several failures, even when the best sales and marketing techniques were used. He continued to educate himself about all of the best techniques and strategies for MLM success, but finally concluded that it wasn't him leading to the lack of income generation. His low earnings were the direct result of MLM scams. He knew, though, that MLM remains a legitimate, lawful business opportunity that should be able to provide him with an income as long as he had the right marketing techniques and put in the effort required. And so, was created, allowing him to discover that MLM opportunity that he knew was out there somewhere.
Today, Shane is proud to be able to share this meaningful discovery with other prospective entrepreneurs who are tired of falling victim to scams or too nervous to get into MLM because of the number of scams that are out there. Shane's opens up all of his research and efforts for all motivated individuals to use and from which they may all profit.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Contact: Shane Hubbell
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